Multiple line vars not being processed


If doing a line break, do this:

action: >
module: user

Excerpts from howachen's message of 2013-08-22 07:33:46 -0400:

  - name: add user
      module: user
      name={{ user_name }}
      uid={{ user_id }}

In addition to what Michael noted, the above is not valid YAML. You can
do either:

    - name: add user
        module: user
        name: "{{ user_name }}"
        uid: "{{ user_id }}"


    - name: add user
      action: >
        name={{ user_name }}
        uid={{ user_id }}

In the former, 'action' is being interpreted as a hash table by the YAML
parser, while in the former, 'action' contains a string with 'key=value'
style arguments which are parsed by Ansible's user module. Both are
valid in Ansible, but you can't mix them, as everything still needs to
be valid YAML.