I have configured Ansible to use dynamic inventory list but I am able to use only one hostname instead of multiple hostnames.
Even if I give multiple hostname, it takes only one
Is there a way to add dynamic multiple host to a single play?
I have configured Ansible to use dynamic inventory list but I am able to use only one hostname instead of multiple hostnames.
Even if I give multiple hostname, it takes only one
Is there a way to add dynamic multiple host to a single play?
What exactly do you mean? Do you mean running a play on multiple hosts? Maybe you should put your playbook and inventory here + output when running it.
I am using a dynamic inventory so I don’t have option of placing all host in a single file
For dynamic host the syntax is
hosts: tag_Name_us_east_1a_weblogic_dev*
What I want to use is
hosts: tag_Name_us_east_1a_weblogic_dev*, tag_Name_us_east_1a_apache_qa*
But when i pass the above syntax, Ansible takes only one host
How do I use multiple syntax is my question.
I believe its colon (
Worked like a charm! Thanks