multiple commands in one ssh session (systems without python)

There were already few topics related using playbooks on routers and switches (systems without python).
But I didn’t find answer on next:
Does it possible with raw module send few command in one ssh session?
Unfortunately below code, create 3 connections


  • name: copy file
    raw: “{{item}};”
  • conf t
  • int gi0/0
  • shutdown

To better understanding, I would like to get same behaviour such bash construction

cat file.txt | ssh user@host_name


with_ loops normally create a separate task/action per item. You'll
need to construct the the command list using | or > (YAML multiline
operators). Something liek the following:

  - name: copy file
    raw: |
       conf t
       int gi0/0

Hi, Brian.
As I understood this (literal style | ) is a same replacement for
raw: "conf t\n int gi0/0\n shutdow"
according it’s same
and it works like

ssh username@host "conf t\n int gi0/0\n shutdow"
ssh send ``"conf t\n int gi0/0\n shutdow" as one command, without \n sequences.
paramiko has same behaviour.