I am new to Vagrant and Ansible. Trying to use a playbook to install compass using gem command but got the following error. Seem like i miss some setting on env?
Looks like you definitely need to pass the executable flag again.
I know you said you tried this, so if so, please show the playbook and the output. Otherwise, I’m going off the paste above that shows it not being passed
If not specified, it will look in the standard system path.
Note that ansible will take measures to ensure any user config (.bashrc) is not loaded, because it wants things to be predictable and repeatable, so this would be the normal things like /usr/bin/gem, etc, where you would find gem if you did a normal OS package install (like yum/apt).
I’m also receiving an error when trying to install compass using a playbook (on an AWS EC2 instance)
Usually we use the following script to install compass -