You should never be using basic auth over http as everything is in cleartext. You would have had to 1 enable basic auth support and 2 disable the encryption check on the Windows host which should tell you this isn’t recommended. You can set ntlm as the auth type (transport) as that will at least give you some message encryption even if it isn’t great. We also have scripts you can use to setup a https listener so everything is encrypted by TLS.
Potentially your problem is that you are authenticating with a domain account which does not work with basic authentication. If that is the case you should be using kerberos as it’s a lot more secure and is recommended by Microsoft. You could use ntlm but like the above it is an older protocol and not 100% secure against something who knows what they are doing.
If it is a local account then I don’t know what else to say, if Windows is saying the username or password is incorrect then they are the definitive source on validating it.
Then you can only go with what Windows is telling you which is the credentials are incorrect. This could mean that AWX is not passing the credentials properly or there is a typo somewhere. I don’t think this is the problem but you could be having issues because the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy [1] value is not set to 1. You can use the following PowerShell snippet to set this policy.
What this policy controls is whether Windows will create a limited or full access token from network logons. A limited access token has privileges groups like the BUILTIN\Administrators and special privileges ripped out and will cause an Authorisation failure (not Authentication) because WinRM by default requires the Administrators group. Because the security descriptor on the WinRM listener requires the Administrators group for a user to access it, you need to have the full token.
One other thing you can test is to try and connect to your Windows host from another Windows host using the tools that Microsoft provides. I recommend you run the following winrs command to see if you can connect using the credentials you have;
I ran the winrs command from my laptop and got the following:…
Winrs error:The server certificate on the destination computer ( has the following errors:
The SSL certificate is signed by an unknown certificate authority.
The SSL certificate contains a common name (CN) that does not match the hostname.
If you are using a self signed certificate and are connecting over https then yes you will get that error. Windows cannot verify the cert and so it fails. Try against the http listener with port 5985 instead.