Is there any migration tool which can help in migrating configuration management tool - from cfengine code to ansible playbooks.For example the below snippet code is in cfengine code needs to be moved to ansible.
cf.ssh files
editfiles:{ /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ReplaceAll “.*AllowTcpForwarding.+[nN][oO]” With “AllowTcpForwarding yes”
SetCommentStart “#”
UnCommentLinesContaining “AllowTcpForwarding”
AppendIfNoSuchLine “Protocol 2”
HashCommentLinesContaining “Protocol 2,1”
HashCommentLinesContaining “Protocol 1”
HashCommentLinesContaining “RhostsAuthentication no”
AppendIfNoSuchLine “PermitRootLogin no”
AppendIfNoSuchLine “PermitEmptyPasswords no”
AppendIfNoSuchLine “RhostsRSAAuthentication no”
AppendIfNoSuchLine “HostbasedAuthentication no”
#DefineClasses “restartsshd”
“/sbin/service sshd restart”
Could you please suggest as we have many such cf files which needs to be converted to ansible. Any input in this regard is appreciated.thank you.