Curious if anyone is working on other modules for mongodb.
Currently there is mongodb_user
I'd like to propose mongodb_document to implement the following
# Create 'burger' document in 'menu' collection of 'restaurant' database.
- mongodb_document: database=burgers name=bob password=12345 state=present
# Create a document in an existing collection over SSL (MongoDB must be
compiled with the SSL option and configured properly)
- mongodb_document:
database: restaurant
collection: menu
document: burger
state: present
ssl: True
# Delete 'menu' collection.
- mongodb_document:
database: restaurant
collection: menu
state: absent
# Create database, collection and document
- mongodb_document:
database: restaurant
collection: menu
document: burger
state: present
# Create document in repl1 replica set (it will automatically propagate to
- mongodb_document:
database: restaurant
collection: menu
document: burger
replication_set: repl1
# Create document only if it does not exist
- mongodb_document:
database: restaurant
collection: menu
document: burger
force: False