module win_user

We have a vm ubuntu 14.04 LTS with ansible 1.9.3 and python 2.7.
I want to create users on a machine with windows.
Using module winrm on windows and win_user module for creating profile. (Testing in o.s.: windows 7, windows 8/8.1)

My playbook:

I don’t understand the question. Can you log on with the created user by typing in the username?

IIRC, this has something to do with not being placed in any groups by default, specifically the one needed to show up on the login screen. I don’t remember what it is, but logins should still be allowed.

I can't seem to reproduce with either 1.9.3 or devel against a Windows 2008
Server instance. Adding a user to the Users or Administrators group is
enough for it to show up in my case.