I have a custom windows module that I have been using in my playbooks and I just went to update to the version 1.8.2 ( installed with pip ). I went to run a playbook that I run all the time and got this error:
/usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook -i ./core/inventory.py --module-path ./modules/ ./main.yml
ERROR: win_exe is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler
My module is in a file called win_exe.ps1 ( it’s basically just runs a windows command but adds in support for the creates keyword ) located ./modules. I changed the playbook to specify
- name: install packages
exe: ‘C:\Users\admin_user\Downloads\myapp.exe’
ArgumentList: ‘/w /S /v"/l*v "C:\Users\admin_user\AppData\Local\Temp\myapp.log" /qn"’
creates: ‘{{myapp_root}}/sbin/myapp.exe’
and now it works. I was just wondering whether this is expected and when to expect to require a suffix and when not to expect to need a suffix. Previously I was running ansible version 1.8.