Module Suffix's and custom windows modules

I have a custom windows module that I have been using in my playbooks and I just went to update to the version 1.8.2 ( installed with pip ). I went to run a playbook that I run all the time and got this error:


/usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook -i ./core/ --module-path ./modules/ ./main.yml
ERROR: win_exe is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler


My module is in a file called win_exe.ps1 ( it’s basically just runs a windows command but adds in support for the creates keyword ) located ./modules. I changed the playbook to specify


  • name: install packages
    exe: ‘C:\Users\admin_user\Downloads\myapp.exe’
    ArgumentList: ‘/w /S /v"/l*v "C:\Users\admin_user\AppData\Local\Temp\myapp.log" /qn"’
    creates: ‘{{myapp_root}}/sbin/myapp.exe’


and now it works. I was just wondering whether this is expected and when to expect to require a suffix and when not to expect to need a suffix. Previously I was running ansible version 1.8.


It should work without the suffix. However, I’m seeing the same issue with 1.8, 1.8.1 and 1.8.2.

In my case, it works when using ansible to run an adhoc command, but not ansible-playbook:

Can you test against the latest devel? there was an issue in which if
you did not have the corresponding win_<mod>.py ansible would not
correctly detect the module existence at 'play compile time'.