Hello everyone,
I have a quick question/request.
I have just finished rewriting a shell script which was used to
upgrade a given piece of software. Now it’s ansible playbook!
The one piece of functionality that I can’t find and need is to be
able to pass options to the apt-get command and more precisely
the DPkg::Options::
In particular I need to give it the option: “–force-confnew”
The script current does something like this:
apt-get --allow-unauthenticated -o DPkg::Options::=“–force-confnew” install packagename
So is there any way I can pass the -o DPkg::Options::=“–force-confnew” part to the
apt module the way it is right now?
It would be nice to have something like dpkg_options=“” in the apt module and or only options=“” for things like the --allow-unauthenticated.