merge two sets of AWS tags?

I am clearly having a brain failure, but I can’t figure out how to merge two sets of AWS tags.

AWS tags are generally defined as a variable (or attribute in a module) something like this:

name1: value1
name2: value2

So I will generally have some standard tags set up in a variable like this:

Name: AServer
CostCentre: Operations

Then I generate some extra tags, so I have another variable somewhere like this:

fred: wilma

barney: betty

How can I get one variable that looks like this:

Name: AServer

CostCentre: Operations
fred: wilma

barney: betty


Regards, K.

I assume fred: is just indented incorrectly so you are looking for the combine filter.

   - set_fact:
       all_tags: '{{ standard_tags | combine(extra_tags) }}'