Meeting Log | Ansible Docs | 2025-02-18 16:04:41

DaWGs aka documentation working group | Ansible Docs |

Meeting started by at 2025-02-18 16:04:41

Meeting summary

  1. TOPIC: Consolidating redirects for the package docs (, 16:09:47)
    1. LINK: (, 16:10:00)
    2. INFO: we've been talking about consolidating the redirects for the package docs for a while and I think we should go ahead and do it (, 16:10:31)
    3. INFO: docs redirects going live on Monday Feb 24th. These have been tested for some time but if you see problems, please report them to the docs matrix channel (, 16:14:00)
    4. LINK: (, 16:14:29)
    5. INFO: help wanted - need help to go through this file: and map all the keys to the correct value (i.e. the right target url), which isn't that difficult but it's time consuming. Pls push a commit or two to if you can (, 16:25:38)
  2. TOPIC: Open Floor (, 16:26:17)
    1. INFO: at the moment we have version 9 to 11 of the package docs on ReadTheDocs. we can build all previous versions of the package docs for historical purposes and add them to the RTD project. this might be useful when we finally migrate the `` subdomain to RTD hosting.

      the older versions would be like frozen snapshots, not something we would ever modify. (, 16:29:09)

    2. LINK: Restructure package docs workflow by oraNod · Pull Request #2348 · ansible/ansible-documentation · GitHub (, 16:44:49)

    3. INFO: please review the PR to restructure the package docs workflow Felix Fontein gotmax23 especially (, 16:45:29)

Meeting ended at 2025-02-18 16:47:28

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. (46)
  2. (32)
  3. (2)

Full logs: full_log.txt

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