Meeting Log | Ansible Docs | 2024-08-20 16:01:07

DaWGs aka Documentation Working Group | Ansible Docs |

Meeting started by at 2024-08-20 16:01:07

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: to add to the agenda, create a forum topic with the dawgs-meeting tag - (, 16:02:39)
  2. TOPIC: Docs questions for the upcoming Ansible community survey (, 16:03:47)
    1. INFO: looking for questions we want to ask our community about the docs - (, 16:04:13)
    2. INFO: do we want to ask about offline docs options like PDFs? (, 16:09:28)
    3. INFO: RTD can generate and keep update PDFs for us. see as an example (, 16:10:13)
    4. INFO: but we cannot get RTD to do a PDF of the Ansible package docs because we will be using GHA runners to generate the package docs build, not RTD builders. So HTML gets created on GitHub then transferred to RTD (, 16:13:04)
    5. INFO: another survey question about the usefulness of the html pages on (docs landing pages that describe the journeys) (, 16:35:26)
  3. TOPIC: Triage (, 16:36:41)
    1. LINK: (, 16:39:00)
  4. TOPIC: Open Floor (, 16:41:57)

Meeting ended at 2024-08-20 16:44:57

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. (53)
  2. (22)
  3. (9)
  4. (5)
  5. (5)
  6. (2)
  7. (2)
  8. (1)

Full logs: full_log.txt

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