Meeting Log | Ansible Docs | 2024-07-30 16:03:22

DaWGs aka Documentation Working Group | Ansible Docs |

Meeting started by at 2024-07-30 16:03:22

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: To add items to the agenda, create a forum topic with the dawgs-meeting tag.. We will use those as the new topics to discuss at each meeting (, 16:04:47)
  2. INFO: Agenda items - (, 16:06:20)
  3. INFO: need to investigate unpinning rstcheck from CI - (, 16:08:54)
  4. INFO: also need help on why the ci refresh bot downgraded rstcheck - (, 16:12:06)
  5. TOPIC: Open Floor (, 16:14:52)
    1. INFO: lookint for reviews and testing on (, 16:16:35)

Meeting ended at 2024-07-30 16:19:56

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. (23)
  2. (4)
  3. (2)
  4. (2)
  5. (1)

Full logs: full_log.txt

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