Meeting Log | Ansible Docs | 2023-09-26 15:02:07

DaWGs aka Documentation Working Group | Ansible Docs |

Meeting started by at 2023-09-26 15:02:07

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: we're using the Matrix meeting bot. Commands are info and action and topic, proceeded by ^. This only works from Matrix right now. (, 15:02:37)
  2. TOPIC: Open Action Items (, 15:04:28)
    1. INFO: samccann needs to open forum topic on permanent home of ee getting started guide (, 15:04:50)
  3. TOPIC: Documentation Updates (, 15:10:40)
    1. INFO: gearing up this week for Hacktoberfest issues for the terminology and general spellcheck (, 15:11:24)
    2. ACTION: oranod to set up a spellchecker in the docs repo ci (, 15:14:49)
    3. INFO: ansible-core 2.16 beta went out today, so Ansible 9 alpha is likely coming out tomorrow and we will do a test publish of each (, 15:20:17)
    4. INFO: ansible-core RTD docs next step is to ensure can point to the RTD docs (, 15:34:22)
  4. TOPIC: Open Floor (, 15:36:03)

Meeting ended at 2023-09-26 15:50:08

Action items

  1. oranod to set up a spellchecker in the docs repo ci

People present (lines said)

  1. (67)
  2. (22)
  3. (12)
  4. (12)
  5. (3)
  6. (2)

Full logs: full_log.txt

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