Meeting Log | Ansible Community Working Group | 2023-09-20 18:00:22

Ansible Community Meeting | Ansible Community Working Group |

Meeting started by at 2023-09-20 18:00:22

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: Agenda: / Topics: (, 18:00:38)
  2. INFO: ansible-core branched a stable-2.16 branch this week, and devel's version was bumped to 2.17. Make sure to update your CI matrixes, adjust your tests/sanity/ignore-*.txt files, etc.! (, 18:02:57)
  3. INFO: There is a community vote on adjusting the Ansible 9 pre-release roadmap to better adjust to significant ansible-core releases: (, 18:41:17)
  4. INFO: Let's discuss whether to also allow votes in the forum, or completely switch to the forum, or ...: (, 18:42:23)

Meeting ended at 2023-09-20 18:59:09

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. (42)
  2. (25)
  3. (12)
  4. (10)
  5. (8)
  6. (6)
  7. (5)
  8. (3)

Full logs: full_log.txt

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