Many tasks for a single loop?

Hey @bern . Welcome to the Forum.

I’m trying to reproduce your issue, and I’m stuck coming up with a /etc/ansible/facts.d/getUsers.fact that works with your expression {{ ansible_facts.ansible_local.getUsers.user }}. I’m curious what your getUsers.fact looks like. Here’s mine:

# /etc/ansible/facts.d/getUsers.fact
# Returns JSON of local users with id>999 and without a 'nologin' shell.
echo -n '['
getent passwd | while IFS=: read -r user password uid gid gecos home shell; do
  if [ "$uid" -gt 999 ] && [[ ! "$shell" =~ nologin ]] ; then
     printf "%s{" "$pending"
     printf '"user": "%s", ' "$user"
     printf '"uid": "%s", ' "$uid"
     printf '"home": "%s", ' "$home"
     printf '"shell": "%s"}' "$shell"
echo ']'

Having typed all that up and reading over it, it dawned on me that maybe your ansible_facts.ansible_local.getUsers.user expression isn’t working for you either.

Is that the problem?

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