ansible --version
config file = /Users/miksan/.ansible.cfg
configured module search path = Default w/o overrides
I’ve got this gist where I’m attempting to create a volumegroup with multiple devices.
If I just debug the output it looks ok,
“msg”: "vg=vgtest pvs=/dev/sdb1,/dev/sdc1,/dev/sdd1 "
and if I copy-paste the debug message and run that as-is, it works as intended and the volume group is created ( I removed parts of the -vvv output).
ansible hostfs -m lvg -a “vg=vgtest pvs=/dev/sdb1,/dev/sdc1,/dev/sdd1 state=present” -s -i ~miksan/Applications/vagrant/hostfs/inventory -vvv
hostfs1 | SUCCESS => {
“changed”: true,
“invocation”: {
“module_args”: {
“force”: false,
“pesize”: 4,
“pvs”: [
“state”: “present”,
“vg”: “vgtest”,
“vg_options”: “”
“module_name”: “lvg”
But if I run the playbook, it fails at the lvg step with the following error.
TASK [filesystem | Create vg] **************************************************
failed: [hostfs1] (item={u’vgname’: u’vgtest’, u’disk’: [{u’device’: u’/dev/sdb’, u’pvname’: u’/dev/sdb1’}, {u’device’: u’/dev/sdc’, u’pvname’: u’/dev/sdc1’}, {u’device’: u’/dev/sdd’, u’pvname’: u’/dev/sdd1’}], u’filesystem’: [{u’mntp’: u’/vgtest’, u’fstype’: u’ext4’, u’lvname’: u’lvtest’}]}) => {“failed”: true, “item”: {“disk”: [{“device”: “/dev/sdb”, “pvname”: “/dev/sdb1”}, {“device”: “/dev/sdc”, “pvname”: “/dev/sdc1”}, {“device”: “/dev/sdd”, “pvname”: “/dev/sdd1”}], “filesystem”: [{“fstype”: “ext4”, “lvname”: “lvtest”, “mntp”: “/vgtest”}], “vgname”: “vgtest”}, “msg”: “Device /dev/sdd1 not found.”}
It doesn’t matter if I just use 1 device as well, the result is the same.
So, I’m not sure if the jinja-part does something to the string that I can’t see or if there is something else going on.
Any ideas?