Looping through a group's IP numbers

I have a rule like this:

  • name: Create user

mysql_user: name=app
host=={{ item }}


  • localhost
  • “{{ groups[‘webservers’] }}”


How can I make the list include IP numbers of each webserver host. I know I can use ansible_eth0.ipv4.address to map from hostname to IP, but I don’t know how to map a whole list to another list. And I can’t see any way to define a variable as the result of a loop.

I would split your create user into 2 tasks. 1 for localhost and the other for web servers:

  • name: Create localhost mysql users
    mysql_user: name=app host=“{{ item }}”

  • localhost


  • name: Create webservers mysql users
    mysql_user: name=app host=“{{ hostvars[item][‘ansible_eth0’][‘ipv4’][‘address’] }}”
    with_items: groups[‘webservers’]

I see, thanks. I’d still be interested if there’s any other way to do it, as it would be useful elsewhere too and prefer not to duplicate plays if possible.

The other way to do it would be something like:

  • name: Create mysql servers
    mysql_user: name=app host=“{{ hostvars[item][‘ansible_eth0’][‘ipv4’][‘address’] if hostvars[item][‘ansible_eth0’] is defined else item }}”
  • localhost
  • "{{ groups[‘webservers’] }}

The above example should work with 1.5, although I do believe that is over complicated, hard to read and not easily understand.

You could expand that to a regular {% if … %}{{ address }}{% else %}{{ item }}{% endif %} type line, but that gets even longer and harder to read in my opinion with all of the special characters that get mixed into that line.