I have an inventory file defined as follows:
[app] app1.service.com ansible_host= app2.service.com ansible_host= app3.service.com ansible_host=
I need to generate multiple configuration files for each of those hosts. The current task looks like this:
- name: Create node-specific csync2 config files
src: “templates/etc/csync2_node.cfg”
dest: “/etc/csync2_{{ hostvars[item][‘ansible_hostname’] }}.cfg”
owner: root
group: root
backup: no
with_items: “{{ groups[csync2_cluster_nodes_group] }}”
And my template looks like this:
nossl * *; group {{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }} { {% for host in groups[csync2_cluster_nodes_group] %} {% if host != hostvars[item]['ansible_nodename'] %} host ({{ host }}); {% else %} host {{ host }}; {% endif %} {% endfor %} key /etc/csync2/csync2.key; include /home; exclude *.log; exclude *.swp; exclude /home/ansible; auto younger; }
This works correctly to generate template files like this:
group app1 { host app1.service.com; host (app2.service.com); host (app3.service.com); key /etc/csync2/csync2.key; include /home; exclude *.log; exclude *.swp; exclude /home/ansible; auto younger; }
The problem is that this configuration is causing race conditions, so I need to chain the configurations. What I mean by this is that I need the app1 configuration file to look similar to
group app1 { host app1.service.com; host (app2.service.com); key /etc/csync2/csync2.key; include /home; exclude *.log; exclude *.swp; exclude /home/ansible; auto younger; }
And the app2 config to look like:
group app2 { host app2.service.com; host (app3.service.com); key /etc/csync2/csync2.key; include /home; exclude *.log; exclude *.swp; exclude /home/ansible; auto younger; }
And the app3 config to look like:
group app3 { host app3.service.com; host (app1.service.com); key /etc/csync2/csync2.key; include /home; exclude *.log; exclude *.swp; exclude /home/ansible; auto younger; }
The best way to do this, so far as I can tell, is to utilize the index of the host within the template. The problem is that I’m not sure what the syntax would be to do so. I would like, in the config file, to do something like (Pseudo code since I don’t know the syntax for this)
nossl * *; group {{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }} { {% for host in groups[csync2_cluster_nodes_group] %} {% if host != hostvars[item]['ansible_nodename'] %} {# This "item" isn't the current "host", so check to see if this is the last item in the group #} {% if group.last == item %} {# this is the last host in the group, so pull the FIRST host from the group #} host ({{ hostvars[groups['app'][0]]['ansible_nodename'] }}); {# OK, this isn't the last host in the group, so pull the NEXT host from the group #} {% else %} host ({{ hostvars[groups['app'][groups.app.index(host)+1]]['ansible_nodename'] }}); {% endif %} {% else %} host {{ host }}; {% endif %} {% endfor %} key /etc/csync2/csync2.key; include /home; exclude *.log; exclude *.swp; exclude /home/ansible; auto younger; }
I hope I’m explaining the problem clearly enough. I’m sure this is possible to achieve, but I’m just stuck on the proper syntax for achieving it.