Loop on values and ssh


I have json response from which am getting query with hosts name. I need to further take all goats names and ssh and run some command.

How can I achieve this? Please give complete syntax.

@Rahul Rameshbabu may be you can catch this?

basically, i have below task that yields above output..

          kubeconfig: $WORKSPACE
          kind: Node
          - nodeType=gpu
          verify_ssl: no
        register: gpu_node_info

#Form a list of dic with key value
      - debug:
          var: gpu_node_info | json_query(query)
          query: 'resources[].{node_name: metadata.name}'


rfr *pulling dict value and ssh in loop to all the values*

    "gpu_node_info | json_query(query)": [
            "node_name": "host2"
            "node_name": "host1"

Below is my try to loop and ssh which fails
```- name: "Loop on all nodeNames and ssh."
        shell: ssh \-F \~/\.ssh/ssh\_config bouncer@\{\{ item \}\}\.internal\.sshproxy\.net "name \-a"
        register: ssh\_result\_per\_host
        failed\_when: ssh\_result\_per\_host\.rc \!= 0
        with\_items: "\{\{ var\.node\_name \}\}"
      \- debug:
          var: ssh\_result\_per\_host\.stdout\_lines\`\`\`