Loop in a loop

Hi all,

If someone could help me on the following:

I am trying to automate as maximum as possible the addition of authorized keys to my new remote servers by doing the below playbook, but I am getting the following error:

Something like this should work:

- name: Set up authorized_keys for the deploy user
   authorized_key: user=root key="{{ lookup('file', 'public_keys/{{ item.name }}/authorized_key') }}"
   with_items: pcs

Thanks Kai! That’s another way of looking at the problem :slight_smile: Much appreciated!

But also I’m still curious, if I’d need to do a loop in a loop like I intended in the previous example, is it possible to do that in Ansible?

Kind regards,

To do a loop in a loop in Ansible, you need to put the inner loop in a yaml file, and the use - include: with a loop and loop_control.
You can see an example here:

Thanks Kai! You were really helpful!

Kind regards,