I have been using filter plugins with the ansible.cfg setting:
filter_plugins = plugins/filter_plugins
This is and has been working great. But now when I add:
lookup_plugins = plugins/lookup_plugins
No lookup plugins are not found. The best I can tell the lookup is by filename (unlike the filters).
Is this a new bug, or are lookups different from filters in some way?
Sigh, user error. For reasons I will never know I named my plugin with the .yml extension instead of .py.
But, on the upside, I got to find out just how incredibly well the the Intellij debugger works with python.
For those interested:
- Create a run configuration. In my case it was like:
script: /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook
script params: -i inventory/aws/ops playbooks/provision/aws/prometheus.yml -u ubuntu
working dir: /Users/bkaplan/si/ops/ansible
open the ansible file you want to debug in idea. You can do this however you want. I create use the Tools/Create Command Line Laucher menu to create an ‘idea’ script in /usr/local/bin. Then just use $ idea <myfile.py> to open the file in the running Intellij
Set the breakpoint in the opened file
Start the run configuration in debug mode. Idea will find all the other files in the stack as well.
If you never used idea’s debugger you will be blown away. Its by far the best debugger I have ever used in my 30 years of software development.
After having use ‘module.fail_json’ for debugging these last weeks I will no longer dread debugging modules.