i am looking for some concent like below
- Look For /var/test01 , if not there create it- test01
- Look For /var/test01 , if already exist then move to next name :- test02 (move like next integer number)
- Look for /var/test01 or 02 , then move to next name :- test03 (move like next integer number)
and so on.
the below concept is not working
- name: “Register a Variable and Search to perform Operation”
hosts: localhost
- name: Create a series of directories with even numbers for some reason
dest: “/var/test{{ ‘%02d’ | format(item) }}”
state: directory
mode: ‘0655’
become: true
loop: “{{ range(0, 100) | list }}”
You are asking us to solve your problem. You aren’t asking us a question about ansible itself.
I tried 2-3 combination , but nothing worked , So i thought of asking here , Since my issue fix from here only.
Then i found the solution by small research on jinja and dict register output
- name: “Register a Variable and Search to perform Operation”
hosts: localhost
list_of_sequence: “{{ range(1, 100) | list }}”
- name: Create a series of directories with even numbers for some reason
path: “/var/test{{ ‘%02d’ | format(item) }}”
state: directory
mode: ‘0655’
become: true
register: res
when: not (res.changed | d(false))
loop: ‘{{ list_of_sequence }}’
Clever. Does it create 99 local directories, or just the next number that doesn’t exist?
it create only next number , which doesn’t exist
the powerful line is :-
when: not (res.changed | d(false))
Clever indeed. Nice work.