Hi there
I have some troubles to get register variable from local_action. Here is what I have:
Hi there
I have some troubles to get register variable from local_action. Here is what I have:
Where you running that playbook in check mode?
Yes, I were running it in check mode.
That's why the command tasks are skipped (they don't support check mode).
And then the variable doesn't get registered, which is why it fails in the
next step.
" only_if: “$status.rc != 0"”
BTW, only if is extremely dated syntax. In 1.1 this was improved with when_integer, and in 1.2 (current development release but many many people run from source and it’s quite stable now) both only_if and when* are deprecated.
when: status:rc != 0
What you want in this case is actually:
when: status is defined and status.rc != 0
Ok, thanks everyone. I am very suspicious and always run check mode
I am aware of only_if and when, but since both of them did not work, I left only_if.
Regarding outdated syntax - perhaps --syntax-check should warn about deprecated syntax? It’s not always possible to track all changes, but --syntax-check seems to be a godd way how to warn about them!?
But as of today, July 9, 2013, the examples for the debug module are still using the only_if expression?
– Zack
Easily fixed with a pull request. I've been doing that for the docs I come across that are dated.
I have a ticket on this already. Will get to it if there is not a pull request.