I’m pretty sure I’m doing something wrong here and am hoping some of you with more seasoning can help me figure it out.
I have a task:
- name: Ensure /etc/hosts.deny has default ALL entry
lineinfile: >
line=“ALL {{‘:’}} ALL”
- deny
When I run this on a system which doesn’t have an /etc/hosts.deny, I get this:
TASK: [compliance | Ensure /etc/hosts.deny has default ALL entry] **************
failed: [us202] => {“failed”: true, “parsed”: false}
Traceback most recent call last):
File “”, line 2200, in
File “”, line 395, in main
File “”, line 288, in present
File “”, line 178, in check_file_attrs
File “”, line 1199, in set_fs_attributes_if_different
File “”, line 1037, in set_mode_if_different
OSError: [Errorno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/etc/hosts.deny’
I would have expected ansible to create the file instead of erroring out.
If the file does exist but is empty or contains comments (and not the “ALL : ALL” line), ansible just reports an “ok” without adding the line.
What am I doing wrong?
Are you sure that EOF in <insertbefore=EOF> is valid ?
I would have expected ansible to create the file instead of erroring out.
Do this first to make sure it exists:
- name: Create /etc/hosts.deny
shell: touch /etc/hosts.deny creates=/etc/hosts.deny
If the file already exists, this task also reports “ok”, though it doesn’t add the line, even to an empty file.
That yields a parsing error:
TASK: [compliance | Ensure /etc/hosts.deny has default ALL entry] ************************
failed: [us202] => {“failed”: true}
msg: line= is required with state=present
I switched it back to a single-line version but quoted as you showed, but the result is the same. A nonexistent file isn’t created, and an existing file isn’t modified.
When I do this and the file already exists, then it fails to add the line.
I strongly believe that EOF is not valid option here: <insertbefore=EOF>
Did you try his :
Ugh. I just re-checked the online docs and you’re absolutely right. And that change fixed the task.
Thank you for pointing this out to me again, after I missed it on my first read. Problem solved!