Hey people,
today I ran the following ansible line: “ansible all:webserver -m command -a “sudo aptitude safe-upgrade -y””. For sure webserver is a group defined in the /etc/hosts.
But it updated all machines. Am I right with my guess that the “all” parameter can’t be limited? Or did I sth. wrong? Or is this behavior somewhere documented and I read over it?
The updates wen’t fine nothing is broken
Thank you in advance
You’re misunderstanding something. That’s ok, but it is documented.
“all:webserver” means servers in group all, and also webservers"
Naturally all means all servers, so the “and webservers” is redundant
“foo:bar” means “foo, and bar”
while you can say of course “all:&webserver” or “all:!notThisGroup”
it seems you just want to do something uber basic like:
ansible webservers -m …
Alternatively you can also do things like
ansible webservers … --limit bostonDatacenter
Ah it was quite early, without :!webserver it was my fault m(
Thanks and sorry