Learning Ansible

Hi ,

I am sure this question is already asked . but i couldn`t find the post . I wanted to learn from others how they approached to learn and master Ansible. any insight is helpful .

As of now i started with resources on ansible site .

Regards ,

Hi Mohan,

this as actually great question, since I was also struggling in the beginning, and from time to time even now.

I have started to learn ansible from the great documentation http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/intro.html

Once I got the grip of the very basics, I switched to galaxy and stared to learn how others are doing it.
I discovered there are many great things to learn, as it is much easier to learn when you can see the working example.

For started I recommend geerlingguy repositories:

This guy knows he is doing :).

Moreover, one more tip. Practice makes perfect. For practicing I find vagrant useful https://www.vagrantup.com/
Vagrant makes setup of virtual machine a breeze and it has ansible as provisioner baked in.
To learn more you can go here:

Have a fun learning and if you need more help, feel free to ping me.
