LDAP lookup plugin / with_ldap iterator


I have just pushed the first version of a new Ansible lookup plugin
providing lookups from an LDAP directory, and iteration over a set
of LDAP results.

Code and documentation, with usage examples:

Comments, feedback, issues, pull requests are welcome :slight_smile:


I like the idea of an LDAP plugin. I’ll find it useful at some point. Thanks for sharing.

We’re using this in production now, to iterate through LDAP to create homedirs, .ssh/authorized_keys etc.

Thanks indeed Thomas.

Sam Pierson

Chief Engineer | Omada Health
650.422.4140 | sam.pierson@omadahealth.com

Hi Thomas,
I know this is some old thread, but I don’t know any other way to contact you and ask for your help and support with this plugin. I’ve spent couple days trying to make it work, and finally, I’m not receiving any errors but also not receiving any results back. Can you help me?
