Hi everyone,
My ansible version is :
I make a powershell script to deploy a new VM on vcenter.
Ansible correctly work with windows system but i have some trouble.
I would like ansible take my arguments for the script for each new host by the definition hots file in host_vars
But I don’t know how to do that.
command line for ansible :
ansible -i /etc/ansible/windows_prod INTERNAL65 -m script -a /etc/ansible/roles/powershell/files/deploy.ps1
/etc/ansible/roles/powershell/files/deploy.ps1 :
C:\AutoDeploy\final_test.ps1 -VMName TEST-AUTO -Cluster Test -Template Windows2012-TMPL -User franck -Password garrot -HostName TEST-AUTO -IPeth0 xx.xx.xx.xx -SNMeth0 xx.xx.xx.xx -DNSPeth0 xx.xx.xx.xx -DNSSeth0 xx.xx.xx.xx
I try to change my argument by this method :
in /etc/ansible/roles/powershell/files/deploy.ps1 :
C:\AutoDeploy\final_test.ps1 -VMName {{ VMName }} -Cluster Test -Template Windows2012-TMPL -User franck -Password garrot -HostName {{ HostName }} -IPeth0 {{ IPeth0 }} -SNMeth0 {{ SNMeth0 }} -DNSPeth0 {{ DNSPeth0 }} -DNSSeth0 {{ DNSSeth0 }}
and in the definition host file i add arguments, for example :
Finally that isn’t working.
If someone can help me …
Best regards.