Lambda "pull" support

Hi Ansible Development email distribution list,

We have an organizational need to trigger Lambda from SNS messages which the function is subscribed to. Accordingly we have used the deprecated version of the Ansible lambda_event module, still available here:

The documentation there states:

Use to create, update or delete lambda function source event mappings, which include Kinesis and DynamoDB streams. *Note:*The handling of “push model” events such as S3 events and SNS topics has been removed and should have their own modules eventually.

Is there an approximate timeframe for implementing the “push model” workflow? There is a bug in the way that this deprecated code gets and exposes the identity of the calling agent when using Amazon’s STS framework, and we’re trying to figure out if it would be best to use a dedicated deploy user within the target organization or patch the old Ansible lambda_event module.

Thanks in advance for any clarity the members of this board can provide.
Joseph Hammerman