known_hosts case issue


Has anybody come across this issue with the known_hosts module.

The hostname of the box is uppercase. When I ssh to the box and add to the known_hosts file it gets added lowercase

<br>[root@SPOBKJJUMPBOX ansible]# ssh SPOBKJLOGSVR<br>


  • |

    <br>The authenticity of host 'spobkjlogsvr (10.XXXXX.202)' can't be established.<br>


    <br>RSA key fingerprint is f8:09:f5:8d:31:5f:3f:dd:74:28:f8:af:be:3f:16:cb.<br>


    <br>Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes<br>


    <br>Warning: Permanently added 'spobkjlogsvr,10.XXXXX.202' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.<br>


Using the known_hosts module I was using

module: known_hosts
name: “{{ ansible_fqdn }}”
key: “{{ ansible_fqdn }},{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} ssh-rsa {{ ansible_ssh_host_key_rsa_public }}”

to add each servers public rsa key to the jump boxes known hosts file. This fails

TASK: [openbet/user-obadmin | Add server key to known hosts] ******************

2016-03-04 18:08:31 (task 0h 0m 0.019s, total 0h 0m 4.102s)
<> REMOTE_MODULE known_hosts key=‘SPOBKJLOGSVR ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAv5iU809JBGNiBSbH3TpmYh4h1ww+j9Mdxo3ZJDeFtqOUNob0YSPWwit1AruQqB/o1kXKERgACEMvS/plW6ywjdiCkwG+IvFiBeudgNlNlds8orpK227mdugpozDYUepacDKLrcKpvPbzPgJwijQLtWQefk+RbcncuMQJM6CmKgGUOk5z+9IuZBd6hfK1iPba/fU0QT+eZ7LwXp5sORdlfRyazG7FuyTckXtC0KXUjA43KUqUCq3LnVhofxg3BbFGAjW3LxL1qVptRduwxcPIZDQ==’ name=SPOBKJLOGSVR
failed: [SPOBKJLOGSVR →] => {“failed”: true}
msg: Host parameter does not match hashed host field in supplied key

The error comes from the sanity check where Ansible runs ssh-keygen -F host


except IOError,e:
module.fail_json(msg=“Failed to write to temporary file %s: %s” %
‘-f’,], check_rc=True)

This uses the uppercase hostname SPOBKJLOGSVR. ssh-keygen doesn’t match and therefore returns blank and fails.

Should this be case insensitive. I could use lowecase hostname though these seems the wrong approach.

Any ideas?

Many thanks James

I should add this is Ansible 1.9.4