Junos/Cisco | Compare outputs

I would like to add some functionality to my Ansible playbooks that does the following; Before making any changes (at beginning of playbook) it runs a number of commands and stores the output of the commands in files. Then when it's finished running, it runs the same commands again and stores to a second set of files. At the end, it then compares those files and if there are any differences, show the differences. The info I would like to gather, are things like;

bgp neighbours

ipsec vpn peers

ospf neighbours

routing table

My logic is that this would be a quick test to make sure nothing has been impacted by the changes in the Ansible playbook.

Does anybody know if this has been done before and if there are example I can copy? If not, any ideas how it can be done?


Use this command parser and it will simple to compare those :

You should find example on internet.

Just what I was looking for, thank you.