Hi everyone, I’m just learning ansible and having some trouble parsing out some json data. I’m hoping someone can help me. What I’m looking for is the Name field at hc_pim_info.dpListProcessesReply.dpServiceList.dpService
I can get to this level, but can’t get past the array and then the @Name. When I do, I get errors like this:
“msg”: “template error while templating string: expected name or number. String: {{ hc_pim_info.dpListProcessesReply.dpServiceList.dpService[0]."@Name" }}”
I’ve tried a handful of combos to get this but nothing seems to work. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the sample data, the data I’m after is in bold:
“hc_pim_info”: {
“dpListProcessesReply”: {
“@ReturnCode”: “0”,
“@xmlnsdp”: “http//www.cisco.com/vtg/diagnosticportal”,
“dpSchema”: {
“@Version”: “1.0”
“dpServiceList”: {
“dpService”: [
“@Name”: “CTI Server 1A”,
“dpProcessList”: {
“dpProcessProp”: [
“@Description”: “Node Manager”,
“@Name”: “nodeman.exe”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052531.5637483”
“@Description”: “Node Manager Manager”,
“@Name”: “nmm.exe”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052528.7086193”
“@Description”: “CTISrvr”,
“@Name”: “ctisrvr.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-CG1A ctisvr - [ACTIVE myserver SecurityMode - MIXED (NonSecurePort 42027, SecurePort 42030)]”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052528.6358605”
“@Name”: “Peripheral Gateway 101A”
“@Name”: “Peripheral Gateway 1A”,
“dpProcessList”: {
“dpProcessProp”: [
“@Description”: “Node Manager”,
“@Name”: “nodeman.exe”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052531.6053188”
“@Description”: “Node Manager Manager”,
“@Name”: “nmm.exe”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052528.7846315”
“@Description”: “JtapigwJVMLauncher EXE”,
“@Name”: “jtapigw.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG1A jtapigw - jgw1 - [ ACTIVE ]”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052451.7927267”
“@Description”: “Message Delivery System”,
“@Name”: “mdsproc.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG1A mdsproc - (InSvc Pr-Enb Clk)”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052451.8051968”
“@Description”: “OPC-CCE”,
“@Name”: “opc-cce.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG1A opc-cce.exe”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052451.6220285”
“@Description”: “PG DMP Agent”,
“@Name”: “pgagent.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG1A pgagent - (InSvc AActive BIdle)”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052451.6203346”
“@Description”: “EAGTPIM EXE”,
“@Name”: “eagtpim.exe”,
“@Status”: "test-PG1A eagtpim - pim1 - [CUCM_PG01_1 ACTIVE] ",
“@UpTime”: “10.052451.5644641”
“@Description”: “rttest application”,
“@Name”: “testsync.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG1A testsync”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052451.5628289”
“@Name”: “Cisco ICM Diagnostic Framework”,
“dpProcessList”: {
“dpProcessProp”: {
“@Description”: “Cisco ICM Diagnostic Framework”,
“@Name”: “DiagFwSvc.exe”,
“@UpTime”: “10.052318.6787144”
“@Name”: “Peripheral Gateway 100A”,
“dpProcessList”: {
“dpProcessProp”: [
“@Description”: “Node Manager”,
“@Name”: “nodeman.exe”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015007.0718110”
“@Description”: “Node Manager Manager”,
“@Name”: “nmm.exe”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015006.7374239”
“@Description”: “Message Delivery System”,
“@Name”: “mdsproc.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG100A mdsproc - (InSvc Pr-Enb)”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015006.7339806”
“@Description”: “OPC-TDM”,
“@Name”: “opc-tdm.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG100A opc-tdm.exe”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015006.7265826”
“@Description”: “PG DMP Agent”,
“@Name”: “pgagent.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG100A pgagent - (InSvc AActive BIdle)”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015006.7233020”
“@Description”: “vrupim”,
“@Name”: “vrupim.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG100A vrupim - pim1 - [SECURE CVP_PG100_1 ACTIVE]”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015006.7310432”
“@Description”: “vrupim”,
“@Name”: “vrupim.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG100A vrupim - pim2 - [SECURE CVP_PG100_2 ACTIVE]”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015006.7284294”
“@Description”: “vrupim”,
“@Name”: “vrupim.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG100A vrupim - pim3 - [NON-SECURE HuCallback01 ACTIVE]”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015006.7214459”
“@Description”: “vrupim”,
“@Name”: “vrupim.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG100A vrupim - pim4 - [NON-SECURE HuCallback02 ACTIVE]”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015006.6647717”
“@Description”: “rttest application”,
“@Name”: “testsync.exe”,
“@Status”: “test-PG100A testsync”,
“@UpTime”: “7.015006.5579308”