Join the first Ansible Windows Sprint


So one of the problems we want to tackle with Ansible Sprints is to bring down the number of open issues and open PRs. The idea of doing Sprints that have a strong focus on advancing and closing issues/PRs is something we have been thinking about for some time.

Now is the time to see if this works well. If you are interested in Ansible and Windows, and have some time to spare, join this event at:

Sign yourself up and celebrate with us the completion of the very first Ansible Windows Sprint next week Tuesday 2017-07-04 at 19:00 UTC !

No prior knowledge needed, we will learn as we go.

And wo knows, if this proves to be a working concept, Ansible Sprints may come to a technology domain near you :wink:

Kind regards,

Just a little reminder this is happening later today (well its later today in my timezone)

Hope you can join us.
