Hi all
I searching for a Jinja2 that can help me with my cisco router acls.
And I found this but not sure if this will help me create my acls
{% for key, value in vars[‘access_lists’]|dictsort(false, ‘key’) %}
{% if value[‘type’] == ‘standard’ %}
{% for entry in value[‘entries’] %}
{% if ‘action’ in entry %}
{% if entry[‘source_wildcard’] == ‘’ %}
- parents:
lines: - access-list {{ value[‘number’] }} {{ entry[‘action’] }}{{ entry[‘whitespace’] }}{{ entry[‘source_network’] }}
{% elif entry[‘source_network’] == ‘any’ %} - parents:
lines: - access-list {{ value[‘number’] }} {{ entry[‘action’] }}{{ entry[‘whitespace’] }}{{ entry[‘source_network’] }}
{% else %} - parents:
lines: - access-list {{ value[‘number’] }} {{ entry[‘action’] }}{{ entry[‘whitespace’] }}{{ entry[‘source_network’] }} {{ entry[‘source_wildcard’] }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if ‘remark’ in entry %} - parents:
lines: - access-list {{ value[‘number’] }} remark {{ entry[‘remark’] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Any ideas?