I have template that contains
- job_name: nodes
{% for cenv in prometheus_consul_dcs %}
{% endfor %}
This loads fine with
prometheus_yml: “{{lookup(‘template’, ‘…/files/prometheus/prometheus.yml.j2’)}}”
But when I add a loop
- job_name: nodes
{% for cenv in prometheus_consul_dcs %}
{% endfor %}
I get an error saying the file can’t read.
TASK: [prometheus | Create prometheus configuration file] *********************
fatal: [] => Failed to template {{lookup(‘template’, ‘…/files/prometheus/prometheus.yml.j2’)}}: unable to read /Users/bkaplan/si/ops/ansible/roles/prometheus/files/prometheus/prometheus.yml.j2
I guess one could argue that “can’t read” is not the same as “can’t find” and this should be interpreted as an error in the file. Is there any way to get the actual error from jinja?