Jinja interpreted values in Play.get_vars() or Task.get_vars()


I want to fill a custom dashboard with specifics events raise in a playbook, not all tasks that can be confuse output for functionnal users.

To do that, I first developped a role, and include it everytime I want to push an event. This solution works, but introduce so much task in a playbook. I try to handle exceptions too, so I use block with rescue etc… and Playbook become so complex with this approch.

So, after some research, I think that a Callback plugin can answer my needs. The idea is to inject at the plays and tasks levels, a specific var that the callback plugin can catch and react in function.

Playbook Example ( this is the Ansiboad var ):

Hi again,

I found a way to apply the Jinja template on the string. After some research, Templar object works. I don’y really know by the way of this is the best practice to do this.

So, the modified Code :
from ansible.template import Templar

def v2_playbook_on_play_start(self, play):

templar = Templar(loader=play.get_loader(), variables=play.get_variable_manager().get_vars(play=self.play))
play_vars = play.get_vars()
if “Ansiboard” in play_vars:
ansiconf = play_vars[“Ansiboard”]
project = templar.template(ansiconf[“project”])

And now, the content of project var is well : myproj

Don’t hesitate to correct or purpose a better way to acheive this.