Hi All,
I have a task that installs java and is working fine in Ansible push mode but it seems to be failing in Ansible Pull mode:
name: downloading java binary from s3
shell: /usr/bin/s3cmd get s3://s3-installs/packages/jdk-{{ JDK_VERSION }}-linux-x64-rpm.bin --force {{ DOWNLOAD_DIR }}/ -
name: making java binary executable
file: dest={{ DOWNLOAD_DIR }}/jdk-{{ JDK_VERSION }}-linux-x64-rpm.bin mode=0544 -
name: Installing Java
shell: yes | {{ DOWNLOAD_DIR }}/jdk-*-linux-x64-rpm.bin
sudo: yes
Error :
TASK: [feed-etl | Installing Java] ********************************************
failed: [localhost] => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: "yes | /root/packages/jdk-*-linux-x64-rpm.bin ", “delta”: “0:00:00.014816”, “end”: “2013-11-05 16:41:06.613563”, “item”: “”, “rc”: 126, “start”: “2013-11-05 16:41:06.598747”}
stderr: /bin/sh: /root/packages/jdk-6u26-linux-x64-rpm.bin: Permission denied
yes: standard output: Broken pipe
yes: write error
FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting
I’m running ansible-pull as root and the master playbook used as argument in ansible-pull has user:root and sudo:yes define d: