iterations within iterations OH NOES (1.9)

Hi all

(tldr: i want to run a task for each hash in a list . can i iterate twice?)

I want to define a 'global' user list like this
(e.g in roles/accounts/defaults/main.yml):

  - support:
      - name: Jimmy The Exploder
        username: jim
      - name: Bobby Tables
        username: bob
  - devs
      - name: Typhoid Mary
        username: mary
      - name: Count Zero
        username: bobby

and then be able to give some groups SSH access and some sudo access
by defining 2 lists in each of our environments:

    - devs
    - support

  - support

I'm trying to get my head around iteration here - really I need to
'for each group in {{ ssh_groups }} , create users via with_dict or similar.

I've read but
can't get my head
around how/if i can iterate twice if you see what i mean.

is this possible?

If there's a different 'shape' to the data that would allow this,
please let me know.