Issues with specifying group vars with a dynamic EC2 inventory

I’m currently building out a PoC with Ansible Tower to manage our primarily windows environment.
I’ve had everything working from the command line before starting with Tower, that that was using a static inventory.

The problem I’m having right now is finding a method for specifying the connection variables for windows servers (without also having them applied to non windows servers).
The variables I need to setup are:

ansible_user: ansible@MYDOMAIN.AD
ansible_password: >-
!vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
ansible_port: 5985
ansible_connection: winrm
ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
ansible_winrm_transport: kerberos

I was able to manually add them to the ec2 tag based group that i’ve setup for the windows machines, and while they were picked up, it appears to not know that it needs to decrypt the password, and putting that vault value in with the standard syntax (no >- at the start) just throws a parsing error on save.
Though even if I do get this method working if we ever need to rebuild the inventory from scratch those values would be lost.

I have read through dozens of issue reports, blog posts, and google group posts on this topic and couldn’t find any solutions or even other ideas to try.

This sounds like it was potentially fixed with which has been backported to Ansible 2.9. What Ansible version are you running?



I am currently running Ansible 2.9.1 and Tower 3.6.2

Well I’ve found a solution that also fixes the volatility issue by adding a group_vars folder beside my playbooks in the project then I can use the standard vault variable syntax as well.