Hello Guys,
It looks like I am still not able to have this done as explained on the mysql_user documentation.
Here is my tasks and output pastie.org . Kindly help me see what I am doing wrong.
Best Regards,
Hello Guys,
It looks like I am still not able to have this done as explained on the mysql_user documentation.
Here is my tasks and output pastie.org . Kindly help me see what I am doing wrong.
Best Regards,
Perhaps you should use “check_implicit_admin” option in your mysql_user use. The first time you run your playbook the password is not set I think. The notify I think is wrong… You should have mysql started to be able to change the password, so it should be more a restart than a start Regards,
Hello Jean-Yves
I have implemented your suggestions and it still didn’t work. Kindly check the updated files on http://pastie.org/10499468
thanks for you help
The following playbook works for me and is idempotent :
#Notes: - Change password for root@localhost last, to not loose access to mysql
# - If password already changed read it from .my.cnf (Example : second run of this playbook)
- name: Set root password
mysql_user: name=root host={{ item }} check_implicit_admin=yes password={{ inst_mysql_standalone_rootpassword }}
- "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
- localhost
- name: Modify options of ~/.my.cnf
ini_file: dest=~/.my.cnf section=client option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} mode=600
with_items :
- { option: 'user', value: 'root'}
- { option: 'password', value: "{{ inst_mysql_standalone_rootpassword }}"}
- name: remove anonymous access
mysql_user: name="" host={{ item }} check_implicit_admin=yes password={{ inst_mysql_standalone_rootpassword }} state=absent
- "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
- "::1"
- localhost
- "%"
- name: Remove test database
mysql_db: name=test state=absent
Hi All,
I am starting to pull my hair now. I am using vagrant by the way and it’s ubuntu trusty with 1GB ram. I am not sure if this even helps . latest tasks are on http://pastie.org/10499745
Anybody else having the same behavior?
Best Regards,
Did you get a fix for this?
I’ve noticed that if I install on CentOS and therefore have a blank root password by default, then I run into this issue whilst trying to set the root password.
Under Ubuntu, we use debconf-set-selections and pre-seed the root password and this appears to work fine.
FWIW, this is my task in my rhel/centos specific tasks file:
I’m running Ansible 1.9.4 from EPEL.