Is there any Ansible master / Slave concept.

Is there any Ansible master / Slave concept.

We try to avoid slavery in all contexts .... that said there is a
'controller' vs 'target' concept and when using ansible-pull you have
'server' vs 'client'.

If you look at Tower/AWX you have other ways of clustering the control nodes.

Thanks for teh information @Brian, Can you point any link to over for Tower/AWX you just mentioned.

We try to avoid slavery in all contexts … that said there is a
‘controller’ vs ‘target’ concept and when using ansible-pull you have
‘server’ vs ‘client’.

If you look at Tower/AWX you have other ways of clustering the control nodes.

Hi Brian,

I guess clustering only available in ansible Tower only but not in ansible core.

I also want to implement the clustering in ansible core, didn’t get any success.
If you have anything for this, please share so that we will get to know.

Looking forward for your reply.

Thanks & Regards
Sumit Sahay

'clustering' is a very broad term, you need to define the specific
features you are looking for.

Thanks Brian for your prompt reply.

I am looking for load balancing in ansible, having 2 server of ubuntu 16.04 having same configuration and having same version of ansible core in both.

What I want to do, if one ansible server reaches the limit and the 2nd ansible control server gets start and execute the task as mentioned in playbook.

I guess this is also part of clustering.

Looking forward for your reply.

Thanks & Regards
Sumit Sahay