Is there a sane way to build a list of dictionaries from two lists?

I want to use with_nested to assemble a list by iterating over two lists and extracting particular keys from both – ideally something like …:

  • name: “Build flat list of security group rules that should exist”
  • proto: “{{ item.1.proto }}”
    from_port: “{{ item.1.from_port }}”
    to_port: “{{ item.1.to_port }}”
    cidr_ip: “{{ item.0 }}”
  • “{{ server_ips }}”
  • “{{ webservice_security_rules }}”

I need to build the list in advance so that I can pass the entire list into the ec2_group module – as in:

name: some_group
description: All security rules for some_group
vpc_id: some_vpc
region: some_region
aws_access_key: “{{encrypted_access_key}}”
aws_secret_key: “{{encrypted_secret_key}}”
rules: “{{rulesList}}”

NOTE: I cannot use with_nested as an argument to the ec2_group module, that would result in multiple task invocations – but for idempotent behavior, I need to pass ALL the rules to ec2_group module in one invocation.

What’s a good way to accomplish this?

On a side note: I can’t understand why ansible seems to go so far out of its way to make this harder than it needs to be … Ansible really seems to be sorely lacking in features that would make it easy to build up data-structures from other data-structures …