Is the "all" group not at the same level as groups?

Ansible docs say:

* extra vars (-e in the command line) always win
* then comes connection variables defined in inventory (ansible_ssh_user, etc)
* then comes "most everything else" (command line switches, vars in play, included vars, role vars, etc)
* then comes the rest of the variables defined in inventory
* then comes facts discovered about a system
* then "role defaults", which are the most "defaulty" and lose in priority to everything.

The “all” group would fall into the “most everything else” line.

But after some testing with a simple debug play, shouldn’t it actually look like this?

* extra vars (-e in the command line) always win
* then comes connection variables defined in inventory (ansible_ssh_user, etc)
* then comes "most everything else" (command line switches, vars in play, included vars, role vars, etc)
* then comes the all group
* then comes the rest of the variables defined in inventory
* then comes facts discovered about a system
* then "role defaults", which are the most "defaulty" and lose in priority to everything.

Within the groups there is also a order (which is not documented in
that paragraph above), 'all' is the least precedence, and then groups
in the order read/loaded, so child groups overwrite parent groups,

Can we get that order documented?