is su_exe/become_exe broken in v2?


I just pulled latest ansible from git and installed it. And it seems that su_exe functionality is not working anymore. Regardless of what I set as su_exe, ansible tries to execute su. I also tried to set become_exe to something else not su but ansible executes su.

[privilege_escalation] become = True become_ask_pass = True become_user = root become_method = su become_exe = /opt/CA/AccessControl/bin/sesu become_flags = -

EXEC /bin/sh -c ‘su root -c “/bin/sh -c '”’"'echo BECOME-SUCCESS-qvthdnsaxbhytsulkyamdelobeatwxnn;


I just fixed this, pull latest and try again.

Thanks, it works now with su_exe but still does not work with become_exe. But I am not sure if it supposed to be working with become_exe.


trešdiena, 2015. gada 2. septembris 12:02:39 UTC+2, Edgars rakstīja:

just fixed become_exe also


trešdiena, 2015. gada 2. septembris 15:52:02 UTC+2, Brian Coca rakstīja:

I just noticed that su_flags and become_flags settings are ignored.


trešdiena, 2015. gada 2. septembris 12:02:39 UTC+2, Edgars rakstīja:

They currently only work for sudo

su_flags worked before, why it was changed?

trešdiena, 2015. gada 2. septembris 17:02:22 UTC+2, Brian Coca rakstīja:

Not as much 'changed' as 'yet to be implemented'.