Is it possible to include playbook and pass a host to it ?

Hello community,

I’m a outer playbook like this

  • hosts: $SERVER
    user: root
    connection: ssh


  • name: “SERVER”
    prompt: “\nEnter servername\n”
    private: no


  • name: do stuff

my inner playbook should be included at the end of the first playbook and should work on the same server. How could I do it at the end?

  • hosts: $SERVER
    user: ansible
    connection: ssh
    sudo: yes

By now I couldn’t figure a way out to pass this the Server var to the second playbook?

Any suggestions? or is the hosts var not meant to be passed through playbooks.

Thanks a lot

first, they are plays, playbook is a list of plays, plays cannot include other plays (they must be at same level) but they can include tasks and roles.

you can use the $SERVER variable if you pass it as an extravar -e “SERVER=myhost” this will work for all playbooks included in the same commandline.

you might also want to leave it as a group and use --limit to include/exclude which servers you run against. Also, --list-hosts is good to test what will be targeted.

First off – please do not use $foo.

The new way to do variables, standardized in Ansible is “{{ foo }}”.

This allows much easier access to complex variable data.

If everyone stops saying $foo I will also be able to repeat myself less :slight_smile:

yes, you can pass in things via --extra-args like Brian said, but --limit is definitely the preferred way to do this if you are comfortable with the idea that if you leave off --limit it would run on everything. You might not be, in which case, consider the “-e” technique.