Hi All,
I am trying to understand the changes with Ansible 2.4 that affects the usage of inventory_dir variable.
Earlier i was using a static host file and in my playbooks, i was heavily relying on inventory_dir to load variable files which in turn was loading the target hosts. I understand the purpose of making the inventory_dir as a hostvar, what i did not understand is how can i still access inventory_dir directly as a global variable in my playbooks ?
To show what i mean, i created a little demo:
local1 localhost ansible_connection=local
local2 localhost ansible_connection=local
#This doesn’t work anymore
#moreVars: “{{ inventory_dir ~ ‘moreVars.yaml’ }}”
#This also works
#moreVars: “{{hostvars[groups.all.0].inventory_dir}}/moreVars.yaml”
#This works and this is what i was using before 2.4
moreVars: “{{inventory_dir}}/moreVars.yaml”
#Prior to 2.4, this is how i defined target hosts. I understand this will not work anymore
targetHosts: locals