integration tests: atomic_copy fails when trying to chown from root to nobody as nobody

I was trying to get the integration tests (non_destructive) running
(with sudo) but ran into a failure.

TASK: [test_copy | overwrite the file as user nobody] *************************
failed: [testhost] => {"failed": true, "md5sum":
msg: Could not replace file:
/tmp/ansible-tmp-1410636452.39-163327871394273/source to
/tmp/worldwritable/file.txt: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted:

Those task looks like this:

- name: create world writable directory
  file: dest=/tmp/worldwritable state=directory mode=0777

- name: create world writable file
  copy: dest=/tmp/worldwritable/file.txt content="bar" mode=0666

- name: overwrite the file as user nobody
  copy: dest=/tmp/worldwritable/file.txt content="baz"
  sudo: yes
  sudo_user: nobody
  register: copy_result7

The failure isn't in the copy (it uses shutil.copy2 because the
os.rename fails because of permissions as expected) which succeeds.
It's in the chown that happens a few lines later. The chown is
triggered because the tmp file and the destination have different

I'm having a hard time seeing how this test could succeed. The
original file is owned by root, but is read/writeable by everyone. So
the nobody user can copy over the file, but it can't change it's

Am I missing something?

Hi Michael,

Ansible integration tests are clean in our Jenkins instance. I’d make sure you are running integration tests (though I’d clearly suggest a VM) as root.
