Integrate ansible-cmdb with ansible AWX

Hi All,

i’m just new to Ansible, I stuck to create a playbook for setup-gather facts.

My requirement is simple.

Play-book for setup-gatherfacts,
which should save the facts each inventory-host in ansible server ( some tmp folder)
i should call those files with ansible-cmdb to create cmdd or shall integrate with ansible-awx

Don’t think it’s possible with any of the modules, but you should be able to do this with a filter plugin.

Awx has a feature called fact caching that saves the result of fact scans to the database on a per host basis. You can turn it on at the job template. The saved facts are accessible via the API.

Let me try this and confirm you.

Sorry, i was tried something but didn’t workout.

MY Playbook.


You can juist delegate the copy task to another server.